Culture — Castles, Palaces, Residences, Lviv


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Culture — Castles, Palaces, Residences, Lviv

Результатів підбору: 21
Have You ever wondered about past during the walk by the center of the city? Who walked this street centuries ago? What did these persons think and dream about? How did they spend their free time?

You should visit buildings, which were built in ancient times, to get to know more about life of past eras and feel the spirit of the time. Houses and other buildings can better describe and express the life of their owners, than some story.
In Lviv there are many palaces of nobles. Most of them were built around XVI century. Foreign merchants, nobles and wealthy families were usually owners of these luxury houses. Also it will be interesting for You to get an insight into the history of the casino’s building (which was rumored as not moral place) and how much rooms were given for servants…
In the palaces, castles, residences You will find magnificence and expensive interior of XVI-XVII century. During the excursion it may seem that history is made on Your eyes. In a moment like that You may imagine and feel yourself like a hero of that times: owner of a house on Rynok Square, who had servants and own carriage… 

The door of a residence may become for You a time portal.

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Arts Palace

Lviv, str. Kopernyka, 17
+38 (032) 261 47 33

Besjadecki Palace

Lviv, square Galytska, 10

Turkuli-Komello Palace

Lviv, str. Pekarska, 50a

Sphinxes Palace

Lviv, str. Zelena, 102

Belski Palace

Lviv, str. Kopernyka, 42

Didushucki Palace

Lviv, str. Lysenka, 15/17

Palace of Armenian Bishops

Lviv, str. Virmenska, 7/9

Bavorovski Palace

Lviv, str. Bibliotechna, 2

Lubomyrski Palace

Lviv, square Rynok, 10

Powder Tower

Lviv, 4 Pidvalna St.

Spravedlyvosti Palace

Lviv, str. Kn. Romana, 1/3

Semenski-Levycki Palace

Lviv, str. Pekarska, 19

Archbishops Palace

Lviv, square Rynok, 9

Palace of Rome-Catholic Archbishops

Lviv, str. Vynnychenka, 32

Greek-Catholic archbishops Palace

Lviv, square Svyatogo Yura, 5

Goluhovski Counts Palace

Lviv, str. Lystopadovogo Chynu, 16
Total: 21