Pab & Restaurant «Black Cat» Pab&Restaurant «Black Cat» in Lviv is an elegant establishment on Gvardiyska St. Delicious cuisine, a wide range of services, nice staff - all this ensures your good mood and positive emotions. Take advantage to organize a banquet or to use catering service Lviv, 4 Gvardiyska St.+38 (032) 244 42 40, +38 (096) 516 74 02
BARloga Bar For the guests of Barloha Bar of Vezha Vedmezha Hotel in Slavske (Lviv region) there is chekarnya where you can personally engrave to commemorate coin with the initials of the institution. So you can keep it in memory of staying in this wonderful place. Volosyanka, Volosyanka, st. Opryshkiv, 1+38 (067) 47 44 474
Restaurant & Brewery «Bavaria» Pustomyty, 15 Kozatska St., Pustomyty+38 (067) 350 15 44
Craft&Kumpel' - Futura Hub Restaurant Lviv, 200 Kulparkivska St.+38 (096) 828 22 22