Lviv Les Kurbas Academic Theatre Les Kurbas Theatre was created in 1988 by Volodumyr Kuchynskyy and a group of young actors. Since its inception Les Kurbas Theatre became one of the most prominent and progressive theaters both in Ukraine and abroad. Lviv, 3 Lesya Kurbasa str. +38 (032) 272 49 14; +38 (032) 272 48 24
Lviv State Circus Lviv Circus is one of the favorite places of family recreation in Lviv. World famous circus bands are often touring here. Lviv Circus is a circus art center that has national and international recognition: on its stage performed many outstanding artists whose names are inscribed in golden letters in the history of Circus Arts, which are w Lviv, str. Gorodotska, 83+38 (032) 238 53 30
Church of the Ascension of the Lord UGCC Lviv, 81a Shyroka St.(032) 267-63-37
S. Krushelnytska National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre (Opera Theatre of Lviv) Lviv, avenue Svobody, 28+38 (032) 255 49 60, +38 (032) 242 11 63
Marija Zankovetska National Academic Drama Theatre Lviv, str. Lesi Ukrajinky, 1+38 (032) 235 55 83 (каса), +38 (032) 235 67 62 (адміністрація)
Cinema Kinopalac on Teatralna Street Lviv, str. Teatralna, 22+38 (032) 297 50 50
Lviv Regional Puppet Theatre Lviv Puppet Theatre began its activity in April 15, 1946 with the premier play of Ivasik-Telesyk folk tale. Among the children's performances there are performances of folk and literary, both Ukrainian and world tales "Koza-Dereza", "Pan Kots'ky", "Painted Fox" (I. Franko), "The Snow Queen" (G. -K. Andersen), "Rikki-tikki-Tavi" (R. Kiplin Lviv, square Danyla Galytskogo, 1+38 (032) 235 58 32
Culture and leisure park named after Bogdan Hmelnycky Lviv, mizh Stryjskoyu, Gvardijskoyu, Vitovskogo+38 (032) 260 15 78, +38 (032) 238 85 58
Lvivarnia, Museum of Brewing Lviv, str. Kleparivska, 18+38 (032) 294 80 65, +38 (067) 414 23 44
Botanic garden of Ivan Franko National Univercity of Lviv Lviv, str. Cheremshyny, 44, tel.: (032) 2768369+38 (032) 276 83 69
Lviv Historical Museum. Historical Jewelery Museum Korolivski Zaly Lviv, square Rynok, 2+38 (032) 235-83-34, 272-06-71