Jam Hotel on Kopernika Street Lviv, 18-A Kopernika St.+38 (067) 873 30 33, +38 (068) 385 12 95 http://lviv.jam-hotel.com.ua/
Conference Center of Jam Hotel Lviv, 18-A Kopernika St.+38 (067) 873 30 33 http://lviv.jam-hotel.com.ua/
Show Bar & Massage Lviv, 9 Virmenska St.+38 (099) 632 22 13, +38 (063) 755 34 99 https://eva-erotic.lviv.ua/
Hotel «Irena» Lviv, 21 Storozhenko St.+38 (032) 239 58 94, +38 (067) 670 19 80 http://irenahotel.com.ua
Hotel «Hetman» Lviv, 50 Volodymyr Velyky St.+38 (067) 372 16 90, +38 (032) 230 13 07, +38 (032) 239 90 90 http://hetman.lviv.ua
PANORAMA Lviv Hotel Opera 4 Stars Hotel in Lviv keeps all the best traditions of elegant classical service and enjoys the world experience of hotel and restaurant business leading figures. Located in the heart of Lviv hotel offers you a beautiful panorama of the city from the windows of the eponymous Panorama restaurant, giving unforgettable memories of your Lviv, 45 Svobody avenue+38 (032) 225-90-00, +38 (050) 431 95 99 http://panorama-hotel.com.ua
Hotel Complex "Argo" Lviv, 186 Shevchenko St.+38 (032) 233 32 48; +38 (032) 298 64 51; +38 (096) 442 01 12 http://hotelargo.com.ua
Hotel «Galaktyka» Lviv, Vynnyky, 21b Galytska St.+38 (032) 296 26 96; +38 (067) 406 96 96, +38 (093) 115 81 08 (Viber) https://galaktika.lviv.ua
Na Ozeri Hotel Lviv, 2b Povitryana St.+38 (032) 297 03 53, +38 (097) 344 33 22 http://naozeri.lviv.ua
Restaurant of Ramada Lviv Hotel Zymna Voda, 2A Yavorivska St.+38 (067) 320 44 66 https://www.ramadalviv.com.ua/restoran/
Hotel «Status» Hotel-restaurant «Status»3 * in Lviv (Malekhiv) creates an exceptional atmosphere, a unique environment for your holiday with the care of professional and friendly staff. You will remember the interior features and character of the hotel. Malekhiv, 6 Kyivs'ka St.+38 (093) 387 08 08, +38 (032) 224 54 21, +38 (096) 762 10 39, +38 (095) 105 24 62 http://status.lviv.ua
Taurus Hotel Lviv, Knyazya Svyatoslava sq., 5+38 (098) 161 80 80 (готель), +38 (067) 464 02 98 (конференц-сервіс) http://hotel-taurus.com/
Taurus City Hotel Lviv, 9 Kniazia Sviatoslava Sq.+38 (098) 16 44 344, +38 (032) 233 24 75 http://taurus-city.com/
Premier Hotel Dnister 4* Dnister Premier Hotel is located in the historic center of Lviv near the old park. Great modern hotel immediately attracts your attention among low urban buildings. The hotel offers great views of the city and the High Castle. Lviv, 6 Mateyka St. +38 (032) 297 43 06 (reception) ; +38 (032) 297 43 17 (booking) https://dnister-hotel.phnr.com/
Kopa Hotel-Restaurant Pasiky Zubrytski, circuit road+38 (032) 277 78 88, +38 (096) 756 38 64 http://kopa.com.ua
Atlas DeLuxe Hotel Lviv, 27 Shevchenko av.+38 (032) 261 47 64, +38 (067) 200 00 05 http://atlasdeluxe.com/
Hotel & SPA Pysanka Lviv, 10 Lincoln St.Hotel: +38 (032) 294 51 35, +38 (098) 477 57 53, +38 (063) 07 20 832, SPA: +38 (097) 844 50 56, Restaurant: +38 (068) 143 17 17, +38 (032) 293 97 37 https://www.facebook.com/pusanka
Modern Art Hotel Lviv, 28 Shevchenka Av.+38 (068) 709 99 33, для корпоративних клієнтів: +38 (097) 553 87 50 https://modern-arthotel.com/
Hotel «Europe» Solonka, v. Solonka, 31 Stryyska St.+38 (032) 227 73 37 (рецепція), +38 (032) 227 73 47 (ресторан), +38 (067) 740 67 32 https://hoteleuropa.in.ua/
Hotel «Suputnyk» Lviv, 116 Knyagynya Olga St.+38 (032) 224-43-90, +38 (032) 230-40-66, +38 (032) 224 44 21, +38 (067) 779 70 00 http://suputnyk.com.ua
Hotel Nota Bene Lviv, 78A Polishchuka St.РЕЦЕПЦІЯ: +38 (032) 234 90 90, БРОНЮВАННЯ: +38(032)2349092, +38(050)4310467 www.notabenehotel.com
Bar Panorama in Dnister Premier Hotel Lviv, 6 Mateyka St.+38 (032) 297 43 06; +38 (032) 297 43 17 https://dnister-hotel.phnr.com/ua/restaurants
Warszawa Hotel Warszawa 3 Stars Hotel in Lviv is a noble elegance and modern service which you feel from the first to the last minute of your stay in this establishment. Varshava Hotel-restaurant is located on the 1st km of the motorway Lviv-Rava Ruska far from the noise and routine in a picturesque corner of the Malekhiv village (Zhovkivsky district). Malekhiv, Lviv-Malekhiv ( Rava-Rus'ka road), 1 Zhovkivs'ka Str.+38 (032) 224 53 35 +38 (067) 516 77 73, +38 (063) 370 10 75 (рецепція), 38 (097) 203 10 20 (РЕСТОРАН) http://warszawa-hotel.com.ua
Ramada Lviv Hotel & Restaurant Lviv, Zymna Voda, 2A Yavorivska St.+38 (032) 229 55 51, +38 (067) 320 44 77 https://www.ramadalviv.com.ua
Hotel «Mars» Malekhiv, 16 Kyivs'ka St.+38 (032) 224 58 72, +38 (032) 224 58 73, +38 (068) 036 53 39 http://marshotel.net
Chopin Boutique Hotel-Restaurant Lviv, 7 Malanyuka Sq.+38 (097) 222 73 30 http://www.chopinhotel.com.ua
Sauna-bath «Casiopeja-Plus» Lviv, 129 Kulparkivska St.+38 (032) 234 03 75, +38 (098) 496 90 93 https://cassiopeaua.wixsite.com/restaurant
Swiss Hotel Swiss 4* Hotel in Lviv is a place where you should star exploring Lviv. Lviv is famous for good entertainment, great historical monuments, hospitality and friendliness to its guests. This wonderful hotel is located in the city center on Knyazya Romana street, offers excellent accommodation, great service, incredible amount of special off Lviv, 22 Knyazya Romana St.+38 (032) 235 73 80, +38 (032) 240 37 77, +38 (096) 240 37 77 http://swiss-hotel.lviv.ua
Otaman Resort Pasiky Zubrytski, 120 Mazepy St.+380 (67) 374 59 59 (restaurant), +38 (096) 585 60 20 (hotel) https://otamanresort.com.ua/
Inn Lviv Guesthouse Lviv, 15 Romanchuka St.+38 (067) 99 38 303, Skype: Guest House Inn Lviv http://innlviv.com